won't you get on your knees?

...believe, have faith in this lie with us all ;) eli moi vaan kaikille, kesälomaan ei oo enää ku 9 päivää ja se on aiva törkiän mahtavaa c; hmm, kaikenlaista on ollu tässä, kusta ja paskaa josta en jaksa selittää... kertasin äskö ranskan verbejä koska koe huomenna ja ne on aina hankalia muistaa, kyl mää sen taivutuksen osaan :D ja sit pitää viel osata futuuri + perfekti ja kaikki.... no haluan pärjätä siin kokees :)

mut hei, mää kirjottelin tos koulus vähä jotai ku satuin oleen ylhäises yksinäisyydessäni ni tylsyyden vaivaama mieleni tuotti hieman tekstiä jonka mukavasti talletin puhelimeni synkkään maailmaan, ja nyt, rakkaat katsojat, haluan jakaa sen teiän kanssa. enkä jaksa kääntää tätä, kysykää jos haluatte suomennoksen koska älkää oikiasti vaa käyttäkö google kääntäjää...

Do you know what it's like... To live your whole life in other people's shadows... Always being the second, the unwanted... No matter how strong you are, eventually it breaks you. It shatters you, it cuts a deep wound to your heart... And you're all alone. Maybe you have some people who stick around. Maybe you have someone who cares. Still, you don't trust them. You can't. Not after all those times they let you down. The people who you trusted, the people you thought you could count on. Do you know the feeling... The madness... The sadness... The missing, the torture... Every single day it's the same. No matter what you do... You can't change it. You hate it, but ironically it's who you are. The person they made you become. You became what they did, you are just an empty shell without words to defend yourself with. Would it matter anyway, your days are numbered... You can only shorten the number of your days. There's nothing you could do anymore. You are just a mere being. The world could survive without you. No one would miss me, you told yourself many times during those days... Maybe they wouldn't. You wish you could go to sleep and never wake up, right...? You don't think you matter. You only live to fight through each and every day... What does it matter, in the end? You can't bring yourself to enjoying your life anymore, you... You don't know what to do anymore. You are on the verge of a breakdown. Your weak heart merely beats, your dreams are nothing but broken and distant... The look in your eyes is empty, shattered, broken... Just like you. You are empty, you are shattered to tiny little pieces. You are broken. And nothing can put you back together again.

... moi :)


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