words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm

It's 1.44 (am) at the moment and since I am bored but not tired, I decided to do a few questionnaires or whatever...

100 Questions
1. Height: 151cm (yeah, I'm a midget) 
2. Virgin? - Yup.
3. Shoe size? - 35-38.
4. Sexual Orientation: Panromantic asexual
5. Do you smoke? - Nope.
6. Do you drink? - Do energy drinks count?
7. Do you take drugs? - No.
8. Age you get mistaken for? - Umm.... 13-14?
9. Any tattoos? - Not yet, at least.
10. Want any tattoos? - Yeah, I do
11. Any piercings? - Well, 2 on each of my ears and snakebites.
12. Want any piercings? - Yeah, a few more would be nice.
13. Best friend? - Don't have one.
14. Relationship status: Single.
15. Biggest turn ons? - Honesty and a lovely smile, beautiful eyes.
16. Biggest turn offs? - Arrogance, ignorance...
17. Favorite movie? - Populäärimusiikkia Vittulajänkältä, Stand by Me, Submarine etc.
18. Someone you miss? - A lot of people who won't come back to me.
19. What I hate most about myself: Everything? lol
20. What I like most about myself: I really can't think of anything.
21. My relationship with my parents: Great, I s'pose.
22. My relationship with my sibling(s): Okay, I reckon.
23. My biggest pet peeves: Probably avoiding responsibility and lying.
24. What my last text message said? - Too lazy to check, sorry.
25. Last thing I ate? - Chocolate chip cookies
26. Ten facts about myself: 1) I'm a person. 2) I use Spotify daily. 3) My dog sleeps on my bed atm. 4) And she's the one I love the most in this world. 5) I don't cry easily. 6) Right now I'm listening to P.O.D. - Youth of the Nation. 7) I'm staying up too late. 8) Also I wake up too late. 9) I'm lazy. 10) I hate numbers.
27. Favorite animal? - Dogs and pandas.
28. Where I would like to live: London/anywhere in the UK
29. Favorite ice cream? - Cream toffee/cookie dough
30. Celebrity I would love to meet and why? - Oh so many, although the ones I like don't necessarily fall into the regular 'celebrity' category
31. My insecurities: Generally just everything about me
32. What I find attractive in Men/Women? - Eyes, smile, little fang-like teeth (you know, the ones on the side, I 'ave those), fingers
33. Favorite quote: ''Why did you go and have to be a real girl? Everything's better when it stays online. The fact that you would even say that proves that you don't get it! Real world people always disappoint. Online, I'm a hero. You wanna live IRL, you go ahead, noob.'' - Hunter Hollingsworth
34. Age: Soon 16.
35. Favorite T.V show: Degrassi, Skins, Waterloo Road, Young Dracula, Friday Download (who ever said I love Ceallach, is completely right), Once Upon a Time, American Horror Story, Grimm, Under the Dome, Sleepy Hollow etc.
36. Favorite tumblr blogs: So many.
37. What I want to be when I grow up: I honestly don't know.
38. A book or film that changed my life: I can't say, all of them in a way.
39. Five bands that I like: Bring Me the Horizon, Eskimo Callboy, Dead by April, Santa Cruz & Miss May I (there's loads more we can talk about)
40. Three things I think about the most: TV, music and I don't know ???
41. Three things I want to do before I die: Travel around the world, live in the UK and do something I really enjoy.
42. Favorite book? - Chronicles of Nick, Tempest, Populäärimusiikkia Vittulajänkältä, Submarine, Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska etc.
43. Favorite color? - Black and white.
44. Last person you hugged? - My mum
45. Addiction: Lip balms
46. Hobbies: Reading, drawing, listening to music, watching TV/movies, playing video games etc.
47. Favorite band? - I can't pick one
48. Favorite singer? - Again, can't pick one
49. Zodiac sign: Cancer (ughh that word)
50. Eye Color: Green-ish (with slight blue-ish)
51. Hair Color: Really some light-ish brown-ish, but black atm
52. Birthday? July 10
53. Where were you three hours ago? Playing Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
54. One food you hate: Mushroom soup
55. Biggest fear? Snakes, heights, losing someone I love
56. How many followers do you have? Depends where.
57. Five people you find attractive: Only five? Ceallach Spellman, Craig Roberts. Taylor Rhys, Abby Mavers and Gerran Howell (although there's loads more...)
58. Top song played on your ipod? - I don't have an iPod, sorry.
59. If you went back in time what would you change? - Many things.
60. Have any pets? - Yes, my dog whom I love to death.
61. Favorite subject in school? - English, Finnish, languages in general.
62. How is school? - Well going to upper secondary school in August....
63. Lucky number? - I don't know, 6?
64. Your name: Ronnie
65. Favorite body feature? - Eyes, teeth, fingers, bones
66. Favorite flower? - Black rose
67. Cats or dogs? - Dogs!
68. Boats or trains? - Trains
69. People or animals? - Animals
71. Favorite holiday? - Christmas
72. Favorite season? - Summer
73. Favorite candy? - Depends
74. Ten likes and ten dislikes: Likes; tea, TV, dogs, cute things, movies, music, energy drinks, fire, video games & Union Jack. Dislikes; snakes, heights, illnesses, pink, Salatut elämät, pop-music, lies, school, headaches & rain.
75. Self harmed? - Yeah...
76. Worst mistake? - Where do I start?
77. Last time you cried? - I can't remember
78. Any scars? - A few, yes
79. Best day of your life? - I don't really know, probably the day I got my dog.
80. Special talents: I can be either super nice or super annoying, there's no in between
81. Watch the movie or read the book? - Read the book first
82. Obsession: Ceallach Spellman... oops? Also Naruto
83. Kiss or hug? - Hug
84. Ever dated someone? - Yeah.
85. Do you love someone? - Does my dog and parents count?
86. Nicknames people call you: Ronnie, Roni, etc.
87. Favorite sport? - Walking, I hate sports
88. Suicidal thoughts? - Sometimes
89. If today was your last day on earth how would you spend it? - I would go to the UK and take my dog with me
90. Something I would like to change about myself: Many, many things..
91. Worst thing I’ve lied about: I don't actually know, I've lied too much
92. Best thing I’ve lied about: Can't recall
93. Favorite cuss word? - Vittu perkele
94. One of my bad habits: Picking the skin on my fingers
95. Favorite childhood toy? - Probably my large, stuffed bunny
96. Story of my first kiss? - I was 11 and it was awkward.
97. Favorite celebrity? - I really don't know
98. What I’m doing tomorrow: Today? I don't know...
99. Favorite Disney movie? - All of them! You're never too old for Disney.
100. If you could be any animal what would it be? - A dog or a panda.


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