I heard you coming in from town

Song of the day;;

Cold toes, new sheets
Welcomed all the same
We know if we go
It's only temporary

Went away, holiday

Wish they'd linger on
They'll think what they will
We'll stay where we have gone

The glaring lamp's on

Her job is well done
Half asleep, I'm only half won

Old sheets, warm toes

Look away as I leave
New light lays bare
Holds my guilt up to me

I'll toast three cheers

And for work we'll sing
Back to what we do
I've hear stranger things

So turn the lamp off

My wandering eyes stop
Endure the thoughts of
And start where you love

We'll start from where we last left off

The lines that we'll draw
Begin and don't stop
The corners approach
We'll take the best turns
The bends have brought talk
Of what we have learned
Enjoy the chance of
Frozen new grounds
Everything's odd
With beautiful sounds
I've learned to smile
Without a bearing
At least I know I've heard stranger things


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold