Dream away

Song of the day;;

You dragged the depths of my soul
Until you found it
A darkened room locked away
I let you in

You looked inside, then you turned away
My makeshift saviour
He left me right here in my chains
But still I whisper
I'm calling out
Still I call you

I never wanted you to see
The darkest part of me
I knew you'd run away
I waited but you never came

So afraid to be alone
I tried to let you go
Still I find you lost inside the darkest part of me

It's my descent, a familiar pain
Of watching all I believed fade away

Of traitors and fools
Of beggars and thieves
Which mask will you choose?
What is underneath?

I never wanted you to see
The darkest part of me
I knew you'd run away
I waited but you never came

So afraid to be alone
I tried to let you go
Still I find you lost inside the darkest part of me

Am I the black stain of your perfect life?
Am I the darkness that you need to hide?

It covers you
It spills over you

I never wanted you to see
The darkest part of me
I knew you'd run away
I waited but you never came

So afraid to be alone
I tried to let you go
Still I find you lost inside the darkest part of me


A week of school left. A fucking week! Also this was the 500th post?!


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold