Pleasant dreams

Song of the day;;

Sunrise is over
You're walking on by and I'm no one
Two lives, driven by quakes
You're walking alive, so I'm no one

Angel, see the signs
Don't worry leaving me behind

Animals, they walk out of their hiding place
'Cause they're no one
The temper carries over
Your numbers have dropped, so you're no one

Angel, see the signs
Don't worry leaving me behind
And our cruddy lives
Are best when shaped into a neck

And for all we gotta know
We're caught in one another
Be sure we were the first
That last forever


Sometimes I wonder how much more is my eye sight going to weaken. It scares me. Also, on a totally unrelated but noticeably lighter note, I've been reading an unhealthy amount of fanfics over the course of, say, the past two weeks. However it is helping me write something on my own, so I do consider it a rather good thing.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold