Dancing on a cloud

Song of the day;;

Every breath you take
I watch you slip away
You're slowly killing yourself
I won't give in

If my heart could sing, would you stay?
Would you stay and listen?
Would you stay and listen?

If my soul was torn, would you help?
Would you try and fix me?
Would you help un-break me?

Your smile, it eats me alive
And I can't turn away any longer

Every breath you take
I watch you slip away
You're slowly killing yourself
I won't give in

I'm a ghost of what's left of me
Begging you to hear me
Can you even feel me?

I can't let you go, save me please
Will you stay here with me?
Will you ever leave me?

Your smile, it eats me alive
I can't turn away any longer

Every breath you take
I watch you slip away
You're slowly killing yourself
I won't give in

I gave you everything
I never thought we would end up like this
I gave you everything
I can't let you go, save me please

I gave you everything
I won't give in

Every breath you take
I watch you slip away
You're slowly killing yourself

I'll be your light in the darkness
Every breath you take
I watch you slip away
You're slowly killing yourself
I won't give in

I gave you everything
I never thought we would end up like this


Miks kaikki tekee niin tautisen orgasmista musiikkia koko ajan? Jumalauta että uus AA kuulostaa aivan tajuttoman mahtavalta. Tietty vielä tulee vähän ikävöityä Worsnopin ääntä, mutta Stoff kuulostaa myös aivan helvetin hyvältä ja ootan innolla AA:n tulevaa matskua sen kanssa. Aivan törkiän hienoa. Niin, ja tänään oli hissan koe. Se tais mennä ihan hyvin. Maanantaina sit uskontoa...


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold