Did you see that?

Song of the day;;

→ The xx - Angels

Light reflects from your shadow
It is more than I thought could exist
You move through the room
Like breathing was easy
If someone believed me

They would be
As in love with you as I am
They would be
As in love with you as I am
They would be
As in love with you as I am
They would be
In love, love, love

And everyday
I'm learning about you
The things that no one else sees
And the end comes too soon
Like dreaming of angels

And leaving without them
And leaving without them

As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love

And with words unspoken
A silent devotion
I know you know what I mean
And the end is unknown
But I think I'm ready
As long as you're with me

As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love, love, love


Nyt sitä ois sitte siirrytty asioimaan aikuispuolella. Ihan mukavilta vaikutti lääkäri ja hoitaja, marraskuun alussa pitäis käydä sit uudelleen hoitajalla. En tiedä. Tuntuu vähän haikialta. Onkohan se normaalia?


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold