In a world of my own

Song of the day;;

I told you once and I won't say it again
You never meant a thing to me, a means to an end
If we can't change the past then why should we care?
I don't give a fuck if  you're here or you're there
Your goddamn beliefs have made you go blind
Your ego, your fame, they have poisoned your mind

So take, take, take all your memories
'Cause I don't want them and I don't need them
So stay, stay, stay the hell away from me
The truth is I'm moving on

So take, take, take all your memories
'Cause I don't want them and I don't need them
So stay, stay, stay the hell away from me

So get the fuck out, fuck out
You'll take this to your fucking grave
Fuck off, fuck off
I told you that we'd make it our own way

You self-righteous, sacrilegious fucking cunt
Your unintelligent, irrelevant ramblings are falling upon deaf ears
How can you be the voice of a generation
When the only voice you listen to is in your own fucking head?

So take, take, take all your memories
'Cause I don't want them and I don't need them
So stay, stay, stay the hell away from me
The truth is I'm moving on

So take, take, take all your memories
'Cause I don't want them and I don't need them
So stay, stay, stay the hell away from me
I'm moving on

Hell yeah, so we came here to stay and none of you can fucking take this away
Fuck yeah, here's what I have to say, goodbye and so long, it's the start of a new day

As the seconds turn into days
We stand together
We will never be the same
We stand together

So take, take, take all your memories
'Cause I don't want them and I don't need them
So stay, stay, stay the hell away from me
The truth is I'm moving on

As the seconds turn into days
We stand together
We will never be the same
We stand together

Hell yeah, so we came here to stay and none of you can fucking take this away
Fuck yeah, here's what I have to say, goodbye and so long, it's the start of a new day


Kyllä se vaan kuulostaa aivan järjettömän hyvältä. Stoff sopii AA:han todella hyvin nyt kun sitä on enemmän kuunnellu, ja ihan ajatuksen kanssa. Huomenna ois sitten, näin asiasta toiseen, ussan koe... Eiköhän siitä ainakin läpi päästä, jos ei muuta.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold