River's edge

Song of the day;;

I said man, can you help me out?
Bring me back to love
Bring me back to life

Oh, why should I care?

I said how, could you keep me out?
Without a wish to share
So without a doubt

Oh, then why should I care?

We have been warned
It's a classic sign
It's a wicked mind
With an axe to grind

When is it our, our turn?
So, why should we care?

Yeah, we have been warned
It's a classic sign
Why should we care?

If this is our last summer
Oh, then why should we care?

If this could be our last summer
Then why should we care?


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold