White film

Song of the day;;

Illiteracy for those who can't see
The gates that untie avid arrogance
Your ground felt so firm I short-handed myself
Never again will I give in

Right into hate, right into lies
Right back where we've been before
A privilege no more
Now that we've lost

The scar buried within mankind
The will that defines all of right from wrong
Now fight unless you're willing to die
Only the obvious state this

Struck with the punishment
That would last for an age
Finally it's all black and white
Much more simple to answer

Heroes will rise, enemies fall
Right back where they've been before
A privilege regained
A gift that you own

The scar buried within mankind
The will that defines all of right from wrong
Now fight unless you're willing to die
Only the obvious state this

Pay no more mind to the agony from the burn
Let yourself climb to a height never reached before
Open to find a path to the pure inside
Now is the time

The scar, the scar buried within mankind
The will that defines all of right from wrong
Now fight unless you're willing to die
Only the obvious state

The scar, the scar buried within mankind
The will that defines all of right from wrong
Now fight unless you're willing to die
Only the obvious state

The scar
The scar
The scar
The scar


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Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold