
Song of the day;;

I need your secrets from your past
It's like your stitches are pulled apart
Your information is high demand
And all that content is like grains of sand
As it defuses through those cracks
It's in the air now, there's no turning back
And those little victims that no one sees
Need information that your body bleeds

I need to know you're thinking of me
I need to know you're there
I need the information now
I got to know you care
Give me something that I can work with
Deliver me from the dark
Give me something that I can count on
Right now it seems so far

You're complicated and hard to read
Your information is all I need
But when those stitches are pulled apart
All that content, it gets so dark
It becomes toxic and hard to breathe
You can't escape it and it gets extreme

I need to know you're thinking of me
I need to know you're there
I need the information now
I got to know you care
Give me something that I can work with
Deliver me from the dark
Give me someone that I can count on
Right now you seem so far

Give me something that I can work with
Deliver me from the dark
Give me someone that I can count on
Right now you seem so far


Jaa, että koulukin ottaa ja alkaa huomenna. Pakkoa sanoa, että ahistaa yllättävän vähän... Mikäs mua vaivaa? No, eiköhän sitä ahdistusta riitä sitten taas ihan liikaakin...


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold