Ooh la la

Song of the day;;

I've been sleeping around your house all week
Stone cold sober and I still don't wanna leave
And try as I might to burn slow, not too bright
The swarms up above like a bee with a buzz

I've been sleeping around your house for a month
And I've been made to feel so welcome, thank you very much
And I'll try to forget and I'll try to forget
That we grew up that summer we grew arms, we grew legs
And I wipe the slate clean and forget where I've been
It all tumbles above and I peak and I trough

I've been sleeping around your house all week
Slowly edging yourself closer to me
And I've been keeping a safe distance I didn't need
I'm stone cold sober and I still don't wanna go
And I'll try to forget and I'm trying to forget

And a constant reminder I'm a bee with a buzz
And I've wiped the slate clean, I still know where I've been
It all tumbles above and I peaked and I troughed
And I learn to forgive you and I'll try to forget
That we grew up that summer we grew arms, we grew legs

I'm a constant reminder, I'm a bee with that buzz
And I'll try to forget you and I try to forget
And I wipe the slate clean, I still know where I've been
It all tumbles above me and I peak and I trough


Ai että mä rakastan tuota miten ton skottiaksentin kuulee tuolta noin ihanasti.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold