Walls come tumbling down

Song of the day;;

Oh, she can wait
For what I can give
She knows what I am but
She won't believe me
Is it all okay?
Will I come off the lightest?
I can't believe it
It's always like this

Kept it at bay
Yes, you kept your words
There on your mouth
But it's not what I heard
If I follow the light
That I deem the brightest
I won't believe that
It's always like this

I'm not whole
I'm not whole
You waste it all

I'm not whole
I'm not whole
You waste it all

I'm not whole

Oh, you can wait
For what I can give
You know what I am
So you know how I live
Try to look proud
But you're not in the slightest
It's happening now
And it's always been like this

I'm not whole
I'm not whole
You waste it all

I'm not whole
I'm not whole
You waste it all

I'm not whole


Aamulla vähän lämpöä, nyt ei. Ajattelin kuitenkin, jos ei nyt aamuksi nosta kuumetta, mennä kouluun huomenna. Mulla on myös huomenna lääkäri, ja tiistaina YO-kuuntelu, joten ei ois nyt varaa olla hirviästi poissa...


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold