
Song of the day;;

Rotting driftwood on the foreign shores
Spilling out into the ocean floor
And the memory's all you left without a trace

Paralysed with the thoughts receding
The current sweeps you with its silent bleeding
Through the heart into the darkest place

Turn around, there's nothing to see here
Run away, no reason to be here
It's the ghost who never goes away

Turn around and leave this behind now
See the ground as it bleeds into the sky now
You fight the sea, you're always going to drown

All the secrets that you're holding
All the memories you hide
All the frail thoughts that echo in the corners of your mind

They won't even last a moment
They will soon be swept away
When the ocean takes you in its arms and carries you away

You carry all the burdens on the cross around your neck
You take whatever's left that you salvage from the wreck
And that haunted past will follow you like a lost dog on the beach
Nipping at your trail 'til you've drifted out of reach

Turn around, there's nothing to see here
Run away, no reason to be here
It's the ghost who never goes away

Turn around and leave this behind now
See the ground as it bleeds into the sky now
You fight the sea, you're always going to drown

The broken-line horizon and the castles made of sand
You tried to hold it in your hand, you tried to understand it

But the ocean asks the questions and it holds the answers too
It dissolves away the lies about the things you thought you knew


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold