Let it go

Song of the day;;

The stars are blind, my love
You will learn to crawl under oceans above
That force will fuel its hate
When it drains your soul, it will flood the gate

Fear is a device
So quiet and precise
It's not what I allow
Not in my world now

Deep beneath the light
A spark will now ignite
And you will see me now
This is my world now

They come to your dreams with illusion
They come to bring shape to your mind
You know how to stop the intrusion
We all have to fight for our lives

The force is in love with you
It wants you safe
It wants you well
This force knows what you can do
And what you can make
With your tattered shell

Faith in your device
So quiet and precise
Just when, not how
You can feel it now
Deep beneath the light
A spark will now ignite
And you will see me now
This is our world now

They come to your dreams with illusion
They come to bring shape to your mind
You know how to stop the intrusion
We all have to fight for our lives

Everyone hear the call to the firewall
Everyone has to fall at the firewall

Everyone hear the call to the firewall
Everyone has to fall at the firewall



Se tunne kun sulla on aamulla yhteiskuntaopin koe mutta sun pitäis myös yhdessä illassa tehdä yks itsenäinen kurssi. Hyvä minä. Ei näin.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold