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Song of the day;;

Every time you speak my name
My image, it just burns away
Every time you speak my name
My image, it just burns away

Gimme that

I could care less than for your grandiosity
I had to skin the cat for curiosity
I could care less than for your sickening, pompous ways
Every time you speak my name my image burns away

I could care less

Don't you know our lives are on trial now
And if we lose, we're going straight to hell

Gimme that

You must excuse me, I'm just really not myself
Woke up today inside, inside of someone else
I could care less than for your sickening, pompous ways
Every time you speak my name my image burns away

I could care less

Don't you know our lives are on trial now
And if we lose, we're going straight to hell
Straight to hell

I could care less
Straight to hell


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold