City of Satan

Song of the day;;

Through all the pain and misery
You were supposed to bring us back the smile
We lay screaming in agony
For too many years now

Mankind is nothing more than an empty name
I closed my brother's eyes tonight
All your pretty faces hide demons inside
Take me from this hell or take the hell away from me

Like the decaying Babylon
Your empires shall burn
And now you cry for freedom

May angels come to save our souls
From the lies of this world

Now angels of mercy
Go find our way 
Through all the decay
Come and take us away

Up in the skies
The storm is raging
Mankind is now on the gateway to extinction

Through all the pain and misery
Out in the ruins you seek shelter
You will lie screaming in agony
Until we rip our heart out

An army risen from the graves
To regain our place on earth

An alliance with angels of vengeance
Let the prophecy come true

Now when I hold your cold face to mine
I can see that the sun will shine again


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold