5 fine frøkner

Song of the day;;

This song goes out to everyone who's felt broken
Who searched for the answer and was left in the dark
This is for you

Stand up


I will never be afraid, you shot me once
I'm still standing
I will never dig my grave
You shot me once
I'm still standing

And every part of me keeps screaming
Get on with your life and start by leaving
I'm trying to heal these wounds but I'm still bleeding
(I'm trying to heal these wounds but I'm still bleeding)

I've run out of all that I was
(All I was)
I've searched for the meaning and ended up lost
But I see the light at the end of the road
And it's guiding me
(And it's guiding me)
Guiding me home
(Guiding me home)

I know I no longer must walk through this world alone
We must resist to be a part of their insolence
We must start the resistance
Follow no one
I've run out of all that I was
And I'm searching for the meaning and ended up lost
But I see light at the end of the road
It's guiding me home where I'll heal all
That has left me bleeding
While their words still burn
These scars are another lesson learned

You live your life so disconnected
As you st there mighty in your fucking little throne
I'll see to it that all your walls crumble
I'll tear it down stone by stone

Bow down, I will not kneel before you
Bow down, you're never gonna wear my crown

You shot me once but I'm still here
You shot me once but I'm still here

This is for those who've seen the light
We must rise, we're limitless tonight
And though the sun may never shine, we must know
We're limitless tonight

This is for those who've seen the light
We must rise, we're limitless tonight
And though the sun may never shine, we must know
We're limitless tonight
We're limitless tonight

It's time for destruction


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold