Pretty hurts

Song of the day;;

It all started with a test
Couldn't put my mind to rest
I don't know what's going on
I can't sleep, something's wrong

You know you're the man of my dreams
Oh Even, please don't leave
You said that you would leave her for me

'Cause in a parallel universe
We're nothing more than lovers on the verge
And in a parallel universe
We're together every second, when we're not it hurts

I don't know what's going on tonight
Can't seem to put these thoughts to bed
I don't know what's going on with me, my friend

You know you're the man of my dreams
Oh Even, please don't leave
You said that you would leave her for me

'Cause in a parallel universe
We're nothing more than lovers on the verge
And in a parallel universe
We're together every second, when we're not it hurts

'Cause in a parallel universe
We're nothing more than lovers on the verge
And in a parallel universe
We're together every second, when we're not it hurts


Sieluni itkee verta!!


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