Vi er perfekt men verden er ikke det

Song of the day;;

Linen is covered with feathers
Wet dreams, wild nightmares, I surrender
Come into me from within
We can be as one in the sin

The spaceship is ready to blow
Drunk in love, I'm gonna explode
Be my Bonnie, we'll mix and match with Clyde
Let's explore this galaxy of stars
Let's explore this galaxy of stars

I have my suit on, no need to worry
Give me your body, let's write a story
Our body language
Rocket to the stars

I have my suit on, no need to worry
Give me your body, let's write a story
Our body language
Rocket to the stars

Show me your superpowers
I'm Venus and Mars of the hour
I'll protect you if you come my way
Let's soar through the Milky Way

I have my suit on, no need to worry
Give me your body, let's write a story
Our body language
Rocket to the stars

I have my suit on, no need to worry
Give me your body, let's write a story
Our body language
Rocket to the stars

I have my suit on, no need to worry
Give me your body, let's write a story
Our body language

Taking off (Taking off)
We're taking off (Rocket to the stars)
Taking off (Taking off)
In space we can be as one

Taking off (Taking off)
We're taking off (No need to worry)
Taking off
In space we can be as one


Arvatkaa kuin pettynyt mä olin, kun Montenegro ei tällä biisillä päässyt finaaliin? Vastaus on että ihan saatanan, enkä edes vitsaile.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold