Hoop of love

Song of the day;;

Wanna tell a story
About a girl with history
Take it from my heart, it's gonna be your beat
Take it from my soul, it's gonna be your heat

Many colours and shades
So many voices to embrace
All around

Many stories and tales
She took it all into her space
Hear the sound

Over deeps, over hills
She casts her wings and now it feels
Love is mine

Flying high she became
A sun whose love and light's the same
For everyone

Fly with me high, oh high, with me high, oh high
Never stop believing that love will take us high
Fly with me high, oh high, with me high, oh high
Never gonna stop believing that love's for you and I

Love is one

Fly with me high, oh high, with me high, oh high
Never stop believing it'll take us high
Fly with me high, oh high, with me high, oh high
Never gonna stop believing in you and I


Armenia pääsi tänä vuonna hienosti tällä biisillä finaaliin, mutta jäi sijalle 18. Tänään (vai eilen?) muuten julkistettiin ensi vuoden eka edustaja! Belgiaa edustaa ensi vuonna Laura Groeseneken.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold