Farmer's song

Song of the day;;

Just another caricature
See how temptation leads
It sells me the lies, like a sheep in disguise
With every word it plants another seed

I feel a change in the atmosphere
I never thought I'd end up back here
Divided, alone, afraid
In a breath my chains reappear

And I build it all up just to watch it fall down
(Nothing left to save, I'm letting go)
And I'm digging all up what I've buried underground
I'm losing, I'm losing control
I'm losing control
I'm losing control

Just another thorn in my side
I try again and fail
I seal my fate, it's almost too late
I try to hold on but it's slipping away, slipping away

And I build it all up just to watch it fall down
(Nothing left to save, I'm letting go)
And I'm digging all up what I've buried underground
I'm losing, I'm losing control
I'm losing control
I'm losing control

Hold on to me, don't let me fall
'Cause I can't waste it all on nothing
Hold on to me, please don't let go
I'm losing everything

And I build it all up just to watch it crash down
(I'm losing everything)
And I'm digging all up what I buried underground
I'm losing, I'm losing control
I'm losing control
I'm losing control



Näköjään Rediltäkin on taas pitkästä aikaa uutta musiikkia ulkona ja levykin tossa kuun lopussa tulossa. Eipä mitään, hyvältä kuulostaa! Tuli muuten joskus tuossa muutama vuosi takaperin kuunneltua Rediä todella paljon, hauska aina palata vanhojen suosikkien pariin hetkeksi kun uutta tavaraa on ulkona.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold