Caught up

Song of the day;;

I've been away, a little while
Sometimes I just can't help myself
When my mind's running wild
I seem to lose grip on reality
And I try to disregard the crazy things
The voices tell me to do but it's no use
I tried to own it, write songs about it
Believe me, I tried, in the end I needed to breathe
Find inspiration, some kind of purpose
To take a second to face the shit that makes me me

All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To sit alone in a room and say it all loud
Every moment, every second, every trespass
Every awful thing, every broken dream
A couple years back and forth with myself in a cage
Banging my head against the wall, trying to put words on a page
All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To be alone in a room, alone in a room

I saw the world a couple times
Tried to cure the ache with absence
But that hole was still a hole
And my mind kept playing tricks on me
Feeling older every day
Took everything I had to not crash and burn
But I'm starting to learn
Sometimes I'll fall down, sometimes I'll lose hope
But those days will be few if I keep my feet on the ground
I might be lonely but I ain't alone here
So I keep pushing the limits of what makes me me

All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To sit alone in a room and say it all loud
Every moment, every second, every trespass
Every awful thing, every broken dream
A couple years back and forth with myself in a cage
Banging my head against the wall, trying to put words on a page
All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To be alone in a room, alone in a room

I can be better than I was
I can be better than I am

All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To sit alone in a room

All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To sit alone in a room and say it all loud
Every moment, every second, every trespass
Every awful thing, every broken dream
A couple years back and forth with myself in a cage
Banging my head against the wall, trying to put words on a page
All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To be alone in a room, alone in a room


Onhan tää ny aivan erilaista kuin entinen AA, mutta ei todellakaan ainakaan huonompaan suuntaan ole menty. Kuulostaa nimittäin todella hyvältä! Ja ai että mä olen kaivannut taas levyä, jolla Danny on mukana!!


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

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