Sally Cinnamon

Song of the day;;

Sometimes it feels like it's meant to be broken
Sometimes we long for the unspoken
We try to avoid every commotion
By showing hardly any emotion

Sometimes it seems wherever I'm stationed
Looking for a deadly combination
Sometimes it feels like imagination
Looking for all these cheap sensations

Why don't we go against the time
Against all their advice
We keep running, we keep on running
It's just a matter of time

Before it all
Echoes, echoes and goes
Crashing against the walls
Hold my hand and keep your eyes closed

Before it all
Echoes, echoes and falls
I suppose it's just a matter of time

Sometimes it feels like it's meant to be broken
Sometimes we act like we've already chosen
We try to retrieve something stolen
By remembering how it used to be golden

Why don't we go against the time
Against all their advice
We keep running, we keep on running
It's just a matter of time

Before it all
Echoes, echoes and goes
Crashing against the walls
Hold my hand and keep your eyes closed

Before it all
Echoes, echoes and falls
I suppose it's just a matter of time

Before it all
Echoes, echoes and goes
Crashing against the walls
Hold my hand and keep your eyes closed

Before it all
Echoes, echoes and falls
I suppose it's just a matter of time


Tällä kertaa ois vuorossa Belgian biisi tälle vuodelle! Tästä tulee jotenkin semmonen fiilis, että tää vois olla vaikka Bond-tunnari... Aika moni pitää tätä potentiaalisena voittajakandidaattina, ja mä en kyllä ihmettelisi yhtään, vaikka tää voittaisikin. Sennek oli muuten ensimmäinen julkistettu artisti tälle vuodelle!


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold