
Song of the day;;

Asylums with doors open wide
Where people had paid to see inside
For entertainment they watch his body twist
Behind his eyes he says, I still exist

This is the way, step inside
This is the way, step inside

In arenas he kills for a prize
Wins a minute to add to his life
But the sickness is drowned by cries for more
Pray to god, make it quick, watch him fall

This is the way, step inside
This is the way, step inside

This is the way, step inside
This is the way, step inside

You'll see the horrors of a faraway place
Meet the architects of law face to face
See mass murder on a scale you've never seen
And all the ones who try hard to succeed

This is the way, step inside
This is the way, step inside

And I picked on the whims of a thousand or more
Still pursuing the path that's been buried for years
All the dead wood from jungles and cities on fire
Can't replace or relate, can't release or repair
Take my hand and I'll show you what was and will be


Tänään valittiin meidän Euroviisu-biisi! Oon ihan tyytyväinen, vaikka oma suosikki ehkä oli kuitenkin Release Me. Toivottavasti mennään finaaliin, ois kiva taas päästä kannattamaan omaa maata suurissa bileissä!


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold