Words won't save you

Song of the day;;

I wake up every night
I can't find anyone to pray
Somewhere in the light
Changing all up
I'm afraid, on the side
Looking out for the lines to say
Someone has the light
Feeding our fire

I came to fight
I came to fight over you
Don't want your lies
Don't want your lies, I need truth
I came to fight
I came to fight over you
No one will cry
No one will cry if it's true

I'll wait for the sign
I can't find anyone to stay
But there's something in the light
Saving our lives

I came to fight
I came to fight over you
Don't want your lies
Don't want your lies, I need truth
I came to fight
I came to fight over you
No one will cry
No one will cry if it's true

And I can't face you now
No, I won't break you down
If I can find you, I won't hide you
It's not what I do

I came to fight
I came to fight over you
Don't want your lies
Don't want your lies, I need truth
I came to fight
I came to fight over you
No one will cry
No one will cry if it's true


Tällä kertaa Belgian tän vuoden viisu! Jotenkin tykkään tästä tosi paljon, tää jää mulle tosi helposti päähän soimaan... Toivottavasti Belgia pääsee finaaliin tänä vuonna.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Don't be alarmed, it's not the end of the world

Wake me