The westerner

Song of the day;;

You and me
Got ourselves a problem
I can see this
Better than I solve 'em
I believed
I found a way around it
I will leave this better than I found it

There’s too much smoke to see it
There’s too much broke to feel this
Well, I love you, I love you
And all of your pieces
There’s too much smoke to see it
There’s too much broke to feel this
Well, I love you, I love you
And all of your pieces

History’s a letter made of scarlet
Victories look better when you’ve called it
Misery’s the moment when I lost you
It’s pleasure in a costume
It’s more than what it cost you

There’s too much smoke to see it
There’s too much broke to feel this
Well, I love you, I love you
And all of your pieces
There’s too much smoke to see it
There’s too much broke to feel this
Well, I love you, I love you
And all of your pieces

All of your pieces
All of your pieces
All of your pieces
All of your pieces
All of your pieces
All of your pieces

There’s too much smoke to see it
There’s too much broke to feel this
Well, I love you, I love you
And all of your pieces
There’s too much smoke to see it
There’s too much broke to feel this
Well, I love you, I love you
And all of your pieces


En oikein tiiä mitä pitäis ajatella. Juteltiin terapiassa tänään siitä mahollisuudesta, et jäisin nyt loppuvuodeks (siis joululomaan asti) sairaslomalle. Keskittysin ihan maksimissaan yhteen kurssiin, et jospa ois helpompi opiskella kun ei oo niin saatanasti tekemistä ja tunnu siltä, että kaikki vaan kaatuu päälle eikä ite osaa tehä sille mitään. Tavallaan tuntuu siltä, et on epäonnistunu ja heikko ja ihmispaska, kun ei pää kestä, mut toisaalta ymmärtää kyl jollain tasolla sen, ettei se oo oma vika millään lailla.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold