Seen it all before

Song of the day;;

有什麼想說還沒說的 (Is there something that you want to say but haven't?)
是少了詞彙還是聽者 (Is it because you can't find the words to say or the one to listen?)
當生活剩下非做不可 (When you have to live what is left of your life)
是什麼支撐自己站著 (What has propped me up to stand still)

燈關暗 你哭了出來 (As the lights turn dim your tears start to fall)
你躲了起來 躲在等待 (You hide away and wait as you hide)

Hey 靠著我的背 (Hey, lean against my back)
好好哭一遍 (Have a good cry once more)
我會背對著你不打擾眼淚 (I will lend you my back without disturbing your tears)
好好脆弱一遍 (Be vulnerable once more)
我會這樣待在 你面前 (I will stay in front of you just like this)
在你需要時輕輕問候聲 嘿 (And when you need it i'll greet you gently, hey)

心總在睏了後關上門 (Your heart is locked up behind the closed door)
我不敲不吵但會守著 (I won't knock or make a noise but i'll guard you)

門打開 你走了出來 (The door opens and then you walk out)
試著走過來 試著期待 (You try to approach me and start looking forward)

Hey 靠著我的背 (Hey, lean against my back)
好好哭一遍 (Have a good cry once more)
我會背對著你不打擾眼淚 (I will lend you my back without disturbing your tears)
好好脆弱一遍 (Be vulnerable once more)
我會這樣待在 你面前 (I will stay in front of you just like this)
在你需要時輕輕問候聲 嘿 (And when you need it i'll greet you gently, hey)

Hey 要小聲在耳邊 (Hey, i whisper in your ear)
給最深的安慰 (Give you the deepest comfort)
然後待在身邊聽你的眼淚 (Then stay by your side and listen to your tears)
被痛傷了一遍 也懂了痛一遍 (Getting hurt again allows us to comprehend pain once more)
和傷再遇見也能輕輕說 Hey (And when the wound recurs we can still say gently, hey)


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

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