The path

Song of the day;;

Nobody cares for any bit of honesty
But you, girl
You move like an angel that landed in the streets of a long ago New York

Oh, can you keep a secret
Kinda wanna taste it
Give me artificial paradise

Numb me ‘till I feel emotion
Beat me up so I can fight for what I believe in
Trip me so I fall all the way up to heaven
Plug me in and take whatever makes me human

We're falling asleep and nobody’s fighting it, anymore
We beg for release but I don't know what it means to be free anymore

Oh, can you keep a secret
Kinda wanna taste it
Give me artificial paradise
Wouldn't it be easy
Put me down and tease me
Give me artificial paradise

Blind me so I see the beauty
Shut me up so I can finally sing your music
Plug me in and turn it all the way to eleven
Fuck me up and take whatever I’ve been given

Artificial, artificial paradise
Artificial, artificial paradise
Artificial, artificial paradise
Plug me in and take whatever makes me human


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold