Zion must fall

Song of the day;;

Facilitate this fall of August
The autumn winds as the summer forfeits
The bittern’s boom will disavow
All the time we've wasted now

All the time we've wasted now
All the time we've wasted

Fabricate this borderline
Between the fire and the focus
As the wren churr through the pine
I doubt you will ever notice
And I know I’ve got my stubborn ways
The shovelers soon fly away
While this winter moon will disavow
All the time we've wasted now

All the time we've wasted now
All the time we've wasted now
All the time we've wasted

Formulate and fortify
The spring becomes our alibi
The eider’s plume will disavow
All the time we’ve wasted now
And I know you’ve got your subtle ways
The hooded crow is here to stay
But this idle June will disavow
All the time we’ve wasted now


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold