Out of control

Song of the day;;

→ Gareth Emery - Elise

The California sun
Has never felt so cold before
With you not waiting for me at the door
Six thousand miles away
Just keep holding on tight
And I'll fly through the night
To come home

I remember
The day that you were born like yesterday
Told you I'd be for there you come what may
And I failed
But if I make this plane, when I land I'll explain, so hold on

You are so much stronger than you know
LAX and it's my time to go
Sending one last video from my phone

Just let me get back home tonight
And we'll all be alright, for forever

Just let me get back home tonight
And we'll all be alright, for forever


AA:n uusin tipahti tänään ja hyvähän se on! Aika erilaista verrattuna etenkin alkuaikoihin, mut niin kuuluukin olla. Pari sellasta biisiä siel oli mistä en ite erityisemmin välittäny, mut suurimmaks osaks kyl tykkäsin!


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold