
 Song of the day;;

→ The Associates - Party Fears Two

I'll have a shower and then phone my brother up

Within the hour I'll smash another cup

Please don't start saying that or I'll start believing you

If I start believing you I'll know that this party fears two

And what if this party fears two

The alcohol loves you while turning you blue

View it from here from closer to near

Awake me

Don't turn around I won't have to look at you

And what's not found is all that I see in you

My manners are failing me I'm left feeling ugly

And you say it's wonderful to live with I never will

So what if this party fears two

The alcohol loves you while turning you blue

View it from here from closer to near

Awake me

I'm standing still and you say I dress to well

Still standing still I might but it's hard to tell

Even a slight remark makes nonsense and turns to shark

Have I done something wrong

What wrongs the wrong that's always in wrong

I'll have a shower

And then phone my brother up

Within the hour

I'll smash another cup


Nyt on tavarat pakattu ja huomenna sitten muutto! Pakko sanoa, että olen tosi positiivisella mielellä lähdössä nyt, etenkin jos vertaa niihin fiiliksiin, jotka mulla oli silloin pari vuotta sitten, kun muutin Joensuuhun. Eiköhän se nyt suju sitten paremmin tällä kertaa.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold