Still waiting

 Song of the day;;

→ Amongster - Leo

He’s the one who needs the night

For worry and interpretation

He’s a genius of the wrong kind

He feeds - as he needs the mind

And holding on doesn’t stir him

You don’t know him but you know he’s right

Brother of mine

To live in the land you own

Sow and watch grow

The body is all we are

I’m in control

Nothing will separate

I was once what I see in you

Leo was a friend and saviour

He added colour to the eyes

You’re concealing what you know about

In poems and tenacious wordings

You’re a genius of the wrong kind

Brother of mine

Grow into the man you are

How would you know

The body is all we are

I feel whole

Nothing will separate

Brother of mine

Grow into the man you are

How would you know

The body is all we are

I feel whole

Nothing will separate


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold