Take my hand

 Song of the day;;

→ Trembling Blue Stars - Cold Colours

I have to see that she

Must have her reasons

Reasons I guess I may never know

All I know is this

Has hurt my feelings

I will have to learn to let it go

Maybe one day

It will all be explained

Maybe one day

Maybe one day

Maybe one day

I'll know why suddenly

She began ignoring me

And why she chose

To bring things to a close

I thought maybe this time

We'd stay in contact

As she would place her trust like we were friends

But I guess she had enough

Friends already

Making me surplus to requirements

So I'll try to

Forget she disappeared

On me without a word

So I'll try to

Forget the mystery hurts

But a tender heart

Finds forgetting hard

Maybe one day

It will all be explained

Maybe one day

Maybe one day

Maybe one day

I'll know why suddenly

She began ignoring me

And why she chose

To bring things to a close

But I'm not holding out hope


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Don't be alarmed, it's not the end of the world

Wake me