At world's end

 Song of the day;;

→ Bubblegum Lemonade - Caroline's Radio 

Caroline lives for the radio

Caroline lives for the evening show

Lying in her bed, transistor to her head

Oh, Caroline knows, Caroline knows

Born in the Easter of '64

Warm winds of change blew her to the shore

The old ways on trial, from the right of the dial

Oh, Caroline knows, Caroline knows

Three miles off shore is where freedom thrives

And all three Kennedys are still alive

Tuned into the beat, from underneath the sheet

Oh, Caroline knows, Caroline knows

Sings to the songs that the Jockey plays

Modern-day knights of the medium wave

She's almost in tune, Beach Boys in her room

Oh, Caroline knows, Caroline knows

Caroline lives for the radio

Caroline lives for the midnight show

Lying in her bed, a sister to her head

Oh, Caroline knows, Caroline knows


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold