Promise (Reprise)

 Song of the day;;

→ Awaken I Am - The Stages Of Grief

Where do I begin? Pain finds a way in

Every time I think that I have found the words to say

Bumps raised on my skin, oxygen gets thin

Even when those words come out, my voice just seems to shake

Has my mind hit a wall or is this natural?

I guess I've never faced something that made me feel so small

Am I against the wall? Does it get easier?

I guess I’ve never lost someone that made me feel so whole

And I know they say that time will heal my wounds

But I'm only feeling bitter without you

Time has no friends, time has no friends

Can I find my place in a world that you're not in?

You’re the thought when I am trying to fall asleep

This sinking feeling in my chest, I try to breathe

Stop asking if I'm fine, how could I be okay?

What I wouldn't give for me to take his place

And I know they say that time will heal my wounds

But I'm only feeling bitter without you

Time has no friends, time has no friends

Can I find my place in a world that you're not in?

I can't hear you, but I know you're there

Giving me strength to stand

The dream we had, the life we shared

For you, we'll see this through until the end

From the pain that I feel, I know our love was real

From the pain that I feel, I know our love was real

And I know they say that time will heal my wounds

But I’m only feeling bitter without you

Time has no friends, time has no friends

Can I find my place in a world that you’re not in?

I can't hear you, but I know you’re there

Giving me strength to stand

The dream we had, the life we shared

For you, we'll see this through until the end


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold