
 Song of the day;;

→ Witchrider - Black

A heart isn't free when it's hoping

A thunder is born by lightning

Help me free myself and let me go

The path I walk is one you´ll never know

Black is the cage I've been locked in

To wallow in dirt, well, it's soothing

Indecision is all that I can see

Show you care and hand me in the key

Let me out, don't keep me in

Nothing left for us to win

The virus in me keeps feeding

Chasing a light I'm seeing

Hold me close just one more final time

I`ll always feel for you, keep that in mind

Throw me in, don't let me out

I've done you wrong, without a doubt

I'm hoping

I'm choking


Helvetti että noiden Zoom-luentojen aikana pitäis Breakout roomien käyttö olla kiellettyä lailla. Ahistaa niin vitusti paljon enemmän kuin paikan päällä oleminen ahistais. 


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold