Fake it

 Song of the day;;

→ Eli Mardock - Everything Happens for the First Time

When I suckle on your breast, I am your baby son

When I turn on the light, then I am Edison

Saw something light in the sky from my room

You tell me it is the moon

Oh, everything happens, everything happens for the first time

When I bite into an apple, I am Adam

And you are Eve

When I kiss you and I betray you, I am Judas

And you're my reprieve

Whoever holds a pistol in his hands

Happiness is a warm gun

It was you who shot Lennon, don't you understand

That everything happens, everything happens for the first time

Whoever hears this song, it was you who wrote it

Every child is the first

Everything, oh everything

Happens for the first time


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold