Stand in the rain

 Song of the day;;

→ Susanna and the Magical Orchestra - Believer

Didn't think you would trust me

Thought you would see what I see

These days have been good for me too

But I can't stay

You know why

Didn't want this to end like this

Thought I might could convert

These nights have been sad for me too

But I don't pray

You know why

You are a believer

I am not

Didn't think I could ever love

So I had to destroy it all

But you will do find someone new

When I am gone

You know why

You are a believer

I am not


Enää yks essee ja sitten ois tältä vuodelta kouluhommat paketissa! Tosin mulla on yks verkkokurssi, jonka deadline taitaa olla elokuun loppu (ellen ihan väärin muista), joten sen varmaan kesän aikana pikkuhiljaa duunailen.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold