
 Song of the day;;

→ Johnossi - Into The Wild

In the wild I see no roses

In the wild I feel no pain

I'm alive, but I am broken

I'm alive, but I'm ashamed

It's a stormy cloudy winter

I'm gonna leave without a trace

Are you longing for the summer

I want something to embrace

What was the deal now

And was it for good

And how does it feel now

You work till you're numb

We're going into the wild

They ain't gonna wait until tomorrow

They ain't gonna wait until it's done

They don't care about your sorrow

Keep on running until you're numb

What was the deal now

And was it for good

And how does it feel now

You work till you're numb

She said to me

When you fall, you go nowhere at all

And all the places you've been

You know they don't mean a thing

You're going into the wild

Into the wild

We're going into the wild

Into the wild

In the wild I see no roses

In the wild I feel no pain

I'm alive, but I am broken

I'm alive, but I'm ashamed

What was the deal now

And was it for good

And how does it feel now

You work till you're numb

We're going in to the wild

Into the wild

Let's go into the wild

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

Let's go into the wild

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

Let's go into the wild

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

Let's go into the wild

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim

I can swim


Nyt on eka rokote saatu! Olo on ollu ihan hyvä, ainoa mitä tällä hetkellä huomaan ns. sivuoireena on se, että tuo rokotuskohta on (kuten odotinkin) aika kipiä, samoin käteen muutenkin liikutettaessa koskee. Vähän on ollu semmonen heikko olo, mut sen veikkaan johtuvan siitä, että mua ahdisti tosi paljon, ja mulla ahdistus aina jälkeenpäin purkaantuu fyysisinä oireina. Perjantaina porukat tulee hakemaan mut ja oon sitten kotona jonkin aikaa, en vielä osaa sanoa että miten kauan. Sen tiedän, että tuun kuitenkin kesällä käymään täällä, mulla taitaa olla joku lääkärikin ja toki sisko haluaa taas käydä täällä. Vielä yks essee pitäis vääntää että ois virallisesti kaikki kouluhommat paketissa... 


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold