What lies beneath

 Song of the day;;

→ Structures - /

Our lives don't look so discouraging

But the view gets worse without the ties that keep one sane

(Just a few days drive away)

And if they back out now

(They weren't there to begin with)

It's amazing how much people change

You can think what you want, but we're always gonna be the same

(We'll never apologize, 'cause you were never on our side)

How can you all look at me the same way?

It's safe to say

Your hearts are in the wrong place

Let's be honest, 'cause honestly

Not everything is so damn hard to believe

So stop talking - your words just get in the way

Your hearts are in the wrong place

(Trust me when I say)

We don't miss the constant bullshit you left at our doorstep

Or the lack of scenery

I guess life built us differently

How can you all look at me the same way?

How can you all look at me the same way?

Your hearts are in the wrong place

So while wandering through the labyrinth in my head

I found peace of mind in giving up on all the ones who left

And we won't miss the arguments

We won't miss the constant stress

And we won't miss the constant bullshit you left at a doorstep

We're the ones you love to hate

We're the ones who stay awake and treat themselves so commonly

To the smoke and the scenery

(And you'll never escape, you'll never escape)

Burning bridges, digging your own grave

(And you'll never escape, you'll never escape)

Your hearts are in the wrong place

Shut up

We still don't give a fuck

No one ever did

We've grown so sick of it

What have you done with your life?

Still can't contend with this

Good luck champ; go break a fucking leg

Good luck champ; go break a fucking leg


Jaahas, enää ens viikko lomaa jäljellä ja sitten ois niin sanotusti palattava sorvin ääreen... Näillä näkymin mulla ois nyt sitten vaan ekassa periodissa yks kurssi, mikä kyllä sopii mulle. En tiiä kestäiskö pää ees enempää.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold