
 Song of the day;;

→ Neon Graves - All That We've Become

Oh, they are leading us on

With letters of gold

With letters of gold

We let ourselves go

Just let it fall

Just let it go

Inside this hell

We find ourselves

Don’t wake me up

Cause this is the end

Don’t hold your breathe

Latching on to find a sense of self

Cut myself open to find nothing but a hollow shell

We’re in hell if you couldn’t tell

'Cause the bottom is always waiting for you

To lose your higher self

I can’t wait another day

In this state of complacency

Nothing changed anyway

When I look back it’s all the same

So hate me for getting up

And choosing more for myself

I never asked for your help

And I’m not wishing you well

Just let it fall

Just let it go

Inside this hell, we find ourselves

Don’t wake me up

Cause this is the end

Don’t hold your breath

Dwelling over what even needs to be said

Fighting with the voices inside my head

Inside this hell

We find ourselves

Don’t wake me up cause this is the end

Don’t hold your breath

I won’t hold my breath

This is it

I swear it’s the end

Can’t you see the signs

All that brings us down

Is all that we’ve become

We’re in hell

Self destruction

I’m fucking over it

Tired and withering

You bathe in all of it

Misery is your best friend


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold