A little faster

 Song of the day;;

→ Call It Home - Look Away

I’ve lost all sense of the person I used to be

I wish I could just take back everything

Delete these oh so haunting memories

And start to finally see this clearly

Wash away the dust

Take it all in now

When you look back and all you felt was just lust

Do you feel proud?

Can you say you’re satisfied with how you lived?

I can’t rewind, can’t turn back time

It’s hard to look at myself now and realize

That I’ve lost my shot, it’s all I’ve got

And now I'm trying not to live in regret

I just wish that I could forget

Tell me a story

Of when we were all worth it

In a place that was built for kings

Tell me what you’ve done

Show me where it’s gone

Or was it this all along?

I’m trying hard to fix mistakes I’ve made

Searching for something to take this pain away

Sick of seeing things in shades of gray

Now it feels like my world is burning up in flames

I can’t rewind, can’t turn back time

It’s hard to look at myself now and realize

That I’ve lost my shot, it’s all I’ve got

And now I'm trying not to live in regret

I just wish that I could forget

Do you dream

Do you dream

Do you dream

You can go back

I wish that I could go back

I wish that I did things different

But the damage is already done

It’s something that I have to learn to live with


Lähdenkin vissiin jo perjantaina. Eipä tuolla niin mitään sen suurempaa väliä ole, ihan jees. Pitää varata näöntarkastusaika sekä kolmannelle rokotukselle aika. Maanantaina ois kivasti lääkäri, jee...


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold