Forget it
Song of the day;;
→ The Technicolors - Tonight You Are Mine
In a sense I'm such a mess
Watching you
The air is cold, so hard to breathe
Still your breath is all I see
Reflect the sun
Light the one that I could never be
Thought I heard you call my name
Thought that I could take the blame
If you could have it all, why do you want me?
So let me slip inside your ultraviolet disguise
The daylight holds you close
But tonight you are mine
Mine, mine
In a sense I'm nothing less
Than who you claim to be
But you're dressed in pixels clear as crystals
On my mind
Just one more time
If you could have it all, why do you want me?
So let me slip inside your ultraviolet disguise
The daylight holds you close
But tonight you are mine
Mine, mine
Don't be so naive
You know that you are all I see
And I cannot believe
The monopoly that bleeds
From your pores to the shores of the sea
So let me slip inside your ultraviolet disguise
The daylight holds you close
But tonight you are mine
Mine, mine
So let me slip inside your ultraviolet disguise
The daylight holds you close
But tonight you are mine
Mine, mine
Sain varattua lauantaiksi rokotusajan, kun tuo ajanvaraushommeli antoikin nyt ihan helvetisti paikkoja ja sattui Tuira olemaan yksi niistä, joten se sattukin tosi hyvin. Näköjään myös mun silmänpohjakuvausaika oli siirretty toukokuulle... tuleekohan siitä kirjettä vai olettaako ne siellä että mä vahdin tuota ajanvarauskalenteria? En tiiä. Pitää vielä toi lääkäriaika perua kun oon just sillon kotona käymässä.
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