Lauren caught my eye

 Song of the day;;

→ Oag - 60's TV

Watching on and on again

Where I can see the colour still black and white

I'm drinking while I'm watching the television

Drinking on and on again

Where I want to be alone

While I'm drinking

While I'm watching



I'm watching

I'm watching

I'm watching

I'm watching

60's TV

I'm watching

I'm watching

I'm watching

I'm watching

60's television

Watching on and on again

Where I can see the colour still black and white

I'm drinking while I'm watching the television

Drinking on and on again

Where I want to be alone

While I'm drinking

While I'm watching



I'm watching

I'm watching

60's TV

When the TV

Glow in colour

So this is the end

60's TV


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold