Chasing tornadoes

 Song of the day;;

→ Biffy Clyro - Instant History

Dear god

Adjust my dreams for me

All I learned is instant history

Is this how

The surface will break?

Releasing the pressure

The horrors that await

Hell hath no fury like a human born

Its only real if you can’t replace it

And now I’m losing all control

Why do I fear it?

This is the sound that we make

Can you hear it?

This is the sound that we make

Can you hear it?

I love the sound when it breaks

Can you hear it?

This is the sound that we make

Can you hear it?

Dear god

We’re shouting in the streets

‘Cause all our love is instant history

We could go

To any time or place

But the history’s a nightmare

I’m sure we’ll awake

I got a fever in my bones

Gets me so high that I can taste it

And now I’m losing all control

Why do I fear it?

This is the sound that we make

Can you hear it?

This is the sound that we make

Can you hear it?

I love the sound when it breaks

Can you hear it?

This is the sound that we make

Can you hear it?

Hell hath no fury like a human born

Its only real if you can’t replace it

And now I’m losing all control

Why do I fear it?

This is the sound that we make

We only exist in the noise that we bring

This is the sound that we make

And we can't unlearn what we've learned

I love the sound when it breaks

We try to position our lives on a string

This is the sound that we make

And we can't unhear what we've heard


Nyt on selvästi helpottanu nuo lopetusoireet, nimittäin tänään ei itkettäny kertaakaan ja muutenkin mielentila on ollu paljon tasasempi. Sähköiskuja tuntuu edelleen vähän, mut ei huimaa eikä muuta semmosta kivaa. Huomenna fysioterapia, se on vasta 14:45 joten saan nukkua 12 asti! Perjantaina sitten varmaankin pelailen taas videopelejä ja sit pitää tiskata sekä käydä kaupassa. Tää on muuten tän blogin 3000. postaus.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold