
 Song of the day;;

→ Aiming for Average - Crooked Spine

Watch me hang on again

Watch me write your name in pen

Watch me fall like the autumn leaves

Over again and again and again

Watch me stutter out your name

Watch me stutter out the words I hardly say

You know it's hard for me

And I don't mind laying down with your crooked spine

I think I need a friend to help me pass the time

And I don't mind

Laying down with your hand in mine

I think I need you here to help me pass the time

And we keep matching dreams

And when we drive we take the side streets

then we drive slow

You kissed me on the night I drove you home

And your hair was pulled behind your ears

And the alley lights touch your face

What can I say to make you stay?

And I don't mind laying down with your crooked spine

I think I need a friend to help me pass the time

And I don't mind

Laying down with your hand in mine

I think I need you here to help me pass the time


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold