Reaching home

 Song of the day;;

→ Bon Iver - Towers

For the love, I'd fallen on

In the swampy August dawn

What a mischief you would bring, young darling

When the onus is not all your own

When you're up for it before you've grown

Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

From the faun forever gone

In the towers of your honeycomb

I'd a tore your hair out just to climb back, darling

When you're filling out your only form

Can you tell that it's just ceremon’?

Now you've added up to what you're from

Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

Build your tether rain-out from your fragments

Break the sailor's table on your sacrum

Fuck the fiercest fables, I’m with Hagen

For the love, comes the burning young

From the liver, sweating through your tongue

Well, you're standing on my sternum

Don't you climb down, darling

Oh, the sermons are the first to rest

Smoke on Sundays when you're drunk and dressed

Out the hollows where the swallow nests

Woah-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh


Huomasin tuossa yks päivä kun kävin Omakannasta tarkistamassa onko reseptit vielä voimassa (mikä on muuten ihan vitun tyhmää, koska enhän mä nyt yhtäkkiä lakkaa tarvitsemasta insuliinia niin miks helvetissä ne reseptit pitää uusia???) että mulle oli laitettu sinne uusi diagnoosi; F33.2 eli toistuvan masennuksen vaikea masennusjakso ilman psykoottisia oireita. Että semmosta.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold