Bad girls club

 Song of the day;;

→ Onward to Olympas - Wolf's Jaw

I can feel this cold wind rush over me

My eyes aren't adjusted to this dark place

Some part of me can feel

The devil's hands wrapped around my throat

Why am I drenched in sweat?

My nerves are shaking like the walls

All eyes look down on me

Waiting to accept the wrong

When the mist clears up

I can clearly see how frail you are

Fearing my voice you tremble in terror

What kind of concept are you using, using

To take over my mind?

You forgot to realise

I'm too strong even for my own good

I will always overcome

Now shy away and disappear, and disappear

But I know it won't stay gone for long

You know how to make me feel

Like I'm walking down a terrible path

But I know I have the right intentions

When the mist clears up

I can clearly see how frail you are

Fearing my voice you tremble in terror

What kind of concept are you using, using

To take over my mind?

Open your closed mind

Quit letting these jaws hold you down

I know it's a sign

You're headed towards the right way

Don't believe the lies

These so called people feed you

I will not confide with all the words they say

Don't let it take you down

Don't let it take you down

Don't let your heart sink with heavy burdens

When the mist clears up

I can clearly see how frail you are

Fearing my voice you tremble in terror

What kind of concept are you using, using

To take over my mind?

Open your mind


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Don't be alarmed, it's not the end of the world

Wake me