Blood runs forever

 Song of the day;;

→ Northlane - Rift (Acoustic)

I'm not afraid

Of the void

Between me and you

The things that divide us

Just lines in the sand

Lies never true

We’re all the same

The world's going to end

We're all condemned

And misconstrued

The world’s going to end

I'm not afraid

Of the void

Between me and you

We're all the same

The world's going to end

We're all condemned

And misconstrued

The world's going to end

The world's going to end

Thе world's going to end


Tuleeko normaaleille ihmisille ihan käsittämättömiä pakkomielteitä jotka saa aivojenkin toiminnan ennätyksellisen huonoksi vai olenko se vain mä?


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold